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COVID-19: If you’re affected by complex mental health issues, we’re here for you.

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Couple embracing. Man has short spiky black dreadlocks and wears black-framed glasses. Woman is shorter and fits under his chin. She has dyed reddish-pink hair and wears red-framed glasses.

When someone close to you has suicidal thoughts or attempts suicide, it can be hard to respond to their needs while also looking after yourself. You are not alone was made with the help of people who have been carers and know how tough it is.

When someone close to you has suicidal thoughts or attempts suicide, it can be hard to respond to their needs while also looking after yourself. You are not alone was made with the help of people who have been carers and know how tough it is.

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Dr Michelle Blanchard and Dr Chris Groot at the Victorian Royal Commission in to Mental Health

Through COVID-19 the SANE Help Centre is here for you. We’re fully operational across all channels – phone, webchat and email – any time Monday to Friday, 10AM – 10PM AEDT.
Speak with one of our counsellors. We’re here to listen and to keep you connected.

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Man sitting on a window sill looking out at the city

Physical and psychological impacts of imposed quarantine, self-isolation, physical distancing and separation from loved ones can exacerbate or trigger the symptoms of mental health issues. Now more than ever, it’s important to care for ourselves and others.

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man wearing headphones

Hocking Community Award 2019–2020 recipient Alison Salisbury spoke to
Primary Health Matters magazine about what it means to be a mental health carer.

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We're so glad you found us

We offer services to help support all Australians affected by complex mental health issues. Whatever your age, ethnicity, faith, disability, sexuality, or gender identity, we have something for you.

Not sure which service is right?

Take our quick quiz to help you find the best support for you.

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SANE does not provide a crisis counselling service. If you’re feeling distressed and need help now, contact:


Man with a beard looking at his mobile phone

SANE Help Centre

It's a really difficult time right now. If you're worried about your mental health (or someone else's) our qualified mental health professionals can provide you with support, information and ideas about what to do next. We’re still operational weekdays 10am to 10pm AEST, and you can reach us by phone, webchat and email.

Declan - SANE Forums

SANE Forums

Physical distancing doesn’t have to mean social distancing. The SANE Forums are full of people like you, who want to talk to you and offer support. We care about what’s going on for you - because between us all, we’ve been through a lot. Connecting with others is more important now than ever.

If you have been spending more time on social media throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, you definitely aren’t alone. Social media platforms have been a well-established part of western life for over a decade and the variety of avenues grows by the year...
Alison Salisbury promo banner 410x230

Get to know: Alison Salisbury

Hocking Community Award 2019–2020 recipient Alison Salisbury spoke to Primary Health Matters magazine about what it means to be a mental health carer.

YANA spotlight

You are not alone

Do you care for someone who has attempted, or is at risk of attempting, suicide? We’ve developed a new online resource to help you navigate this journey. Click below for information and advice about dealing with emergency situations, looking after the person you care about once they leave hospital, and taking care of yourself in this situation. 

Elderly woman looking out the window

You and COVID-19: Complex mental health issues in a pandemic

Physical and psychological impacts of imposed quarantine, self-isolation, physical distancing and separation from loved ones can exacerbate or trigger the symptoms of mental health issues. Now more than ever, it’s important to care for ourselves and others.

Our Turn to Speak survey opens

National Stigma Report Card

Coming later in 2020: A National Stigma Report Card will be created from the Our Turn to Speak survey of people affected by complex mental health issues, researching their experiences of stigma and discrimination. 

Better Off With You Campaign - Woman by the docks

Better Off With You

Better Off With You is a suicide prevention campaign, focusing on two communities in Sydney and Northern Queensland. Watch real stories from people who thought about ending their lives, and discover how they found a way through. Even if your circumstances can’t change immediately, your life matters to your loved ones and your community. The people in your life are better off with you.

Avocado reading the newspaper


Become a StigmaWatcher and help tackle stigma in the media surrounding mental illness and suicide.

spotlight on OCD


Obsessive compulsive disorder is often misunderstood and stigmatised. So we've put together a selection of videos, articles and other useful information to break down the stigma and raise awareness.

spotlight on schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is an illness that disrupts the functioning of the mind. We've put together a selection of factsheets, articles, personal stories and videos to raise awareness of this often misunderstood illness.

Spotlight on bipolar

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder causes people to experience intense mood swings, from manic highs to depressive lows. Not everyone experiences bipolar the same way. Learn more and meet people who have shared their experiences.