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SANE Australia Privacy Policy

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SANE Australia (ABN 92 006 533 606) (SANE) is committed to protecting the confidentiality, security and privacy of personal information held on its records. SANE will comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and any privacy principles made under that Act.

This Privacy Policy (the Policy) governs all personal information collected, used and disclosed by SANE, including on the SANE Australia Website (including any of the webpages located at, the SANE Help Centre and the SANE Forums (the Forums). The Lived Experience and Carers Forums are provided by SANE Australia in partnership with mental health organisations around the country.

This Policy does not apply to any third party websites (which are not owned or controlled by SANE) that are linked to on any SANE websites. SANE does not make any guarantees regarding the privacy of these websites.

Collection of personal information

SANE collects personal information that is voluntarily provided to SANE, either directly from individuals or through third parties used for fundraising. SANE also uses Google Analytics to collect location-based data and information on user type, to analyse the audience of the websites and improve our content. No personal information is collected from Google Analytics. For further information on the privacy policy concerning Google Analytics, please see

The kinds of personal information collected by SANE will depend on the circumstances of collection, including whether we collect information from you as a help seeker, donor or peer ambassador. 

Typically, we may collect the following kinds of personal information from:

  • help seekers – an individual’s name, gender, age, address, email address, information about their health or any treatments received, and information about their use and access of the SANE Australia Website.
  • donors – an individual’s name, contact details, contact preferences, biographical notes (if applicable), donation transaction history, and payment information. 
  • SANE Peer Ambassadors – an individual’s name, address, contact details, resume, information about personal experiences of living with or supporting someone with a complex mental illness, and information provided in an application to or during an interview with SANE Australia.

In addition, if you use the SANE Help Centre, SANE may record and store your call as a health record. 

You do not need to disclose your name to use the SANE websites or take advantage of the products and services offered by SANE. SANE will make reasonable efforts to permit individuals to use the SANE services and the SANE websites without providing personal information, but it may not be possible for SANE to provide these services unless the individual supplies relevant personal information to SANE.

Use of information

The location-based data and other generic information collected by SANE is used to better understand the experience of registered Forums members and visitors to SANE’s websites, and to improve SANE’s websites and Forums.

If you provide personal information to SANE, it will be used for the purpose of enabling SANE to provide services to you or to receive donations provided by you. SANE may also use or disclose personal information when it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious or imminent threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or safety. The personal information collected by SANE may also be used for medical research, improvement of the services supplied by SANE and the SANE websites or training and other related purposes.

Disclosure of information

Personal information held by SANE is not disclosed, sold or otherwise supplied to any third party, unless that disclosure is to provide or support the provision of the services offered by SANE or the SANE Australia Website, or that disclosure is to one of our charity or other partners in connection with the Forums or any other online forums SANE operates.

SANE may also disclose your personal information to any person if we are authorised or required to do so by law (for example, in an emergency medical situation).

SANE may disclose personal information to cloud storage providers located in Australia and the United States of America.

Research information

By disclosing personal information or other data on the SANE Websites, for example by completing surveys or posting on Forums, you acknowledge that the data you submit may be used by SANE for research and evaluation purposes. Any information collected in this way will be de-identified before analysis, and any identifying data will be destroyed or permanently deleted. Research and evaluation activities will be subject to ethics approval (see

Security of information

Personal information physically held by SANE is secured on locked premises regularly checked by a security guard. Information held in electronic form is secured from unauthorised access by methods that include a firewall and encrypted password control. SANE’s cloud storage providers also maintain appropriate technological and organisational measures to protect personal information that SANE stores with them from unauthorised access, use and disclosure. All staff at SANE are trained to handle personal information confidentially and have signed agreements not to disclose personal information to any third party in breach of this agreement.

Disposal of information

Personal information no longer required by SANE for any of the purposes contemplated by this Policy will be destroyed or permanently deleted.

Accuracy and freedom of information

SANE is committed to ensuring that any personal information it holds is accurate and up-to-date. Any individual may access or request that SANE correct the personal information that SANE holds about them by contacting the SANE Privacy Officer using the contact details set out below.

Changes to this policy

SANE may amend this Policy at any time by posting the updated terms on the SANE Australia Website. You can obtain a copy of the current Policy by contacting the SANE Privacy Officer using the contact details set out below. The amended terms take effect when you access the SANE Australia Website or after 30 days, whichever is sooner.

Enquiries and complaints

Any enquiries or complaints about how SANE collects, holds, uses or discloses personal information, or any breach of any principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), should be directed to the SANE Privacy Officer using the contact details set out below. SANE takes all complaints seriously. Upon receiving a complaint, SANE will promptly carry out an investigation and will work with the individual concerned to resolve the issue. If you are not satisfied with SANE’s handling of your complaint, you can lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

SANE Privacy Officer
T: +61 3 9682 5933
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This SANE Australia Privacy Policy page may be freely downloaded, copied and distributed on condition no change is made to the contents. SANE Australia is not responsible for any actions taken as a result of information or opinions contained in this article.
© SANE Australia

Last updated: 11 June, 2020